Saturday afternoon at the Museum
It is really nice to have a Saturday night at home for a change, and just cook and drink wine and listen to nice music....
It is really nice to have a Saturday night at home for a change, and just cook and drink wine and listen to nice music....
It was nice to go to the Triennial at the NGV yesterday. I was lucky to catch it before it closed. And I didn't see...
Even the title is provocative. A quick search of the internet reveals that there are whole discussions regarding to the deeper meaning of this quote...
I am at the Melbourne Museum and I got my cup of tea. It is very refreshing. White Night tuckers me out every time! It...
I wanted to choose a song for this post tonight. I wanted something lush and warm and fun, but it only came to me in...
What a beautiful evening. On so many levels. It really is strange to put those two worlds side by side. Strange in a good way. The Linden...
Apparently Day of the dead is a time to commemorate and remember our friends and family. It is a great opportunity to celebrate the people...
I saw Joelistics and James Mangonhig from TZU perform tonight. What a treat. We got tickets to ‘In Between Two’ showing as part of the...
The nice thing about living in the city is that if my heart feels so broken on a Saturday morning, I can go out into...