a cheerful Monday cocktail
It is very tempting to open my heart a little and share some of my feelings, hehe. I won't, because it is not reciprocated, but...
It is very tempting to open my heart a little and share some of my feelings, hehe. I won't, because it is not reciprocated, but...
I am so happy and so excited. This afternoon I found a whole honey pot of interesting things that are happening in Melbourne, so I...
There is something about the people that you associate with, enriching your life and lifting you up. My quality of life has definitely improved a...
I finished the first season of the Handmaid's Tale last night. It was an intense mixture of horror and uplifting inspiration. Such a great, creative...
I am reading a very interesting book - Dear Mr Knightley, about a woman who is studying journalism and writing letters to an anonymous man,...
Margaret Atwood is certainly an amazing story teller. I still have one episode left of the Handmaid's Tale, and that was fascinating. Dark, interesting, scary. The...
I saw Joelistics and James Mangonhig from TZU perform tonight. What a treat. We got tickets to ‘In Between Two’ showing as part of the...
I am so happy. It was nice to get out and hear Tim Flannery talk about some of his optimism where climate change is concerned....
Although, it was haunting, how the dystopian future played out in Australia, in this play 'The Way Out'. It took them two years to develop...