03 Dec Dr Morse Abbotsford – always
I feel very grateful to live in the same neighbourhood as Dr Morse. It always leaves me with a nice taste in my mouth. But it is not just the free mineral water. It is a good vibe. Whenever I go there, I feel like it elevates my world.
The first thing that I noticed about Dr Morse that made it stand out as one of the best venues in my local area was the music. There is something about it. It is always remarkable. The kind of music that makes you stop and take notice, and wonder how they find such consistent gems of musical goodness.
It is that feature alone that makes it worth the trip. It will put me in a good mood, every. single. time.

In the evenings, sitting by the window in the bar, they might play cheerful strains of house music, and in the morning, when they are serving coffee out of their side window near the train station, the tunes are the perfect accompaniment to the dopamine hit that they deliver with the coffee. I asked one of the baristas once about where they find their music, and he said that they often get it from NTS (an online radio station). I checked it out though, and couldn’t tap a fountain of music there.
For languid, lazy weekends
My favourite time to go to Dr Morse is either in the afternoons, to sit outside near the train station and sip on a pint of Bodriggy beer, or in the late morning or (let’s face it) early afternoon for a coffee on the weekend. It is a little further for me to walk than my local cornershop coffee (which is also pretty good), but it always makes me feel like I am getting into the spirit of the weekend, whether it is those deliciously, languid, lazy weekend days, or the atmospheric and warm afternoons or evenings, for a beer or a glass of wine.
For a love of trains

The other thing that I love about Dr Morse, no matter what time of day I find myself there is the proximity to the train station. I walk up a small hill and pass the station on the way, so I get to hear all the wonderful sounds and excitement associated with the coming and going of trains to Victoria Park station. I have always loved the friendly ‘toot toot’ of the trains as they leave the station, the whirring sound as they slow down to stop. These are some of my favourite sounds in the world, so it always lifts my mood to walk past. The hubbub and excitement of an adventure seem to spill down the hill to Dr Morse, who seems to have done an excellent job capitalising on the early train commuters to serve them coffee in the mornings.
The only other thing I want to mention is the fact that sometimes when I get off the train late at night, I can hear the sounds of a very loud and fun party with lively music emanating through the night air. It is the courtyard of Dr Morse coming alive into the night.
And it is a good place to visit, no matter what time of day. Enjoy!
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