08 Jun Streets ahead – Smashed Avocado
There is a certain kind of fragile that comes with a big Saturday night or at least, extreme sleep deprivation. It was the first real weekend after the lockdown and it seemed like we felt like little kids who have been let out to play. The streets are vibrant and people are out. Later on, I could here an almighty ruckus in one of our neighbours backyard, as some revellers celebrated the long weekend. Thanks Queenie.
It was already past midnight when I shut down my computer and retired to find a new book. I found an amazing book about property investment on a budget and by 2 am, I was still riveted.
My neighbour yelled out the window around then to tell the revellers to ‘shut the fuck up.’ And I kept reading. I think I ended up going to sleep at around 4 am and woke up just after 10 am, so it has been a bit of a fragile day.
It is worth it though! The book I am reading has helped get my property investment education is streets ahead of what it was. Literally! If you are interested it is called ‘Smashed Avocado’ by Nicole Haddow.
If I could consume some simple sugars tonight, my brain would be so pleased.
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