Grace Jones and Studio 54 inspiration for history and musical culture
How VERY interesting!! Grace Jones...
How VERY interesting!! Grace Jones...
Despite my reservations, , , and this lingering sense of malaise, I am at Melbourne Airport, sipping on a coffee, and just about to write...
The adventure that is my life is so much more fun with friends like you! It seems that I have been on another little excursion into...
It has been fantastic to give Daddy's Italo Disco Dance Machine a deeper listen. I have struggled with this playlist in the past, however, my...
Yesterday was a fun adventure!! My client was not answering her phone and our agreement is to leave her in peace if that is the case....
If Turtle IS in Melbourne, perhaps he is looking for things to do, or groups to get involved with??!! Tonight I was in the right place... What is this business? I have two songs from this EP as ear worms in the past week. The album always interested me. But there feels like...
Right now, I am feeling the NEED to share some of my thoughts regarding music that makes me feel closer to my love, Turtle. I am...
Another adventure!! It was a bitterly cold and gloomy day in Melbourne today. Not only that but it RAINED (quite a bit)!! I have never seen...