08 Mar AFFFF – The Count of Monte Cristo – a daring adventure with a beautiful heart
I have come away from the epic French film – The Count of Monte Cristo with a bit of an epiphany. The film has given me pause to think about who my real ‘friends’ are, and who really cares about me.
It is a sobering realisation, but hopefully one that I can’t unsee. I feel it deep in the core of my soul.
The Count of Monte Cristo was an amazing film of daring adventure. But what it really gave me was an understanding of what friendship, loyalty and love actually mean.
Like if push came to shove, or I really needed something, I am pretty sure i know who **wouldn’t be around** (and who might).
In the same way I can think about who would count me as a loyal friend, and thinking about how I can really step up for my friends too. (Stop frittering my energy away on someone who I mean nothing to, would be a good start!)
I really loved the film. All 178 minutes of it. It was as good as the 1000 or so page book that I read all those years when my Dad gifted it to me. What an epic story!!
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