Beats and Brews at Spectrum Coffee Collingwood

Beats and Brews at Spectrum Coffee Collingwood

I had my first experience of ‘cupping’ or tasting coffee blends from different parts of the world today.

It was an afternoon tasting session in a local cafe. There were maybe 30 of us in this little cafe on Johnston Street, and there were 18 different varieties of coffee brews to taste.

Although we used spoons, which we rinsed at each station, and spat the coffee we had tried into coffee cups, I still felt like I got a ‘caffeine hit’. This makes me wonder if the caffeine can be absorbed through the surface of our tongues to our bloodstream.

It was an interesting sensory experience. And it makes me realise how different coffee tastes when it has been made on oat milk (or some kind of milk).

‘How is your palate?’

I was more able to distinguish the brews that I really did not like. Those that were very pungent in their flavour made me pause in distaste.

My favourite brew was this –

  • El Salvador, Majahual – Pacamara (Natural)

Rich body with red berries, dark chocolate, and a smooth, silky finish.

The idea behind the get together was a social mingling of beats and brews in a social context. The music was very nice, and there were some lovely people there. I am glad I went.

I do feel rather ‘caffeinated’ now, though!! 😛

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