05 Nov Melbourne Cup Day at Werribee South
The summer party season has begun! What better way to kick off than at a garden party nearby the Werribee South Marina.
It was a bit of a trek to get there, but some of us caught the train out. It was a nice trip, and interesting to see Melbourne’s food bowl first hand.
We feasted and sipped on French sparkling wine under a sail umbrella in the garden of one of our friend’s boyfriend’s place.
Werribee South Marina is quite lovely, with lovely open spaces and coffee shops along the foreshore. They even have free mini golf there, although we think you need to hire the gear.
We watched the Melbourne Cup. Our host won our sweepstakes.
And then we got coffee and some beautiful fresh sea air.
An Uber back into the city was no trouble at all.
Such a perfect day to begin the summer season. We had some very interesting chats.
- Marina foreshore
- Sculpture in the garden
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