Tuesday mornings for web work out in the world

flowers in the trees on a sunny day

Tuesday mornings for web work out in the world

The adventure that is my life is so much more fun with friends like you!

It seems that I have been on another little excursion into some kind of ‘alternative reality’ for a few… and now I am back, and spring is on the way!! Hooray!

It feels good to be back. And Tuesdays are my favourite. There is something so civilised about starting the working day at a table in the sunshine at a particularly glamourous cafe strip in Carlton North.

This morning was funny because I woke to my alarm at 8 am. I finally acquiesced and went to my computer to listen to my earworm. With the sunshine streaming through my north-facing windows.

I was still craving sleep though, so I thought I would nap for another 15 minutes, except I couldn’t reset the alarm for some reason. I lay back down anyway, and the next thing it was 9 am, I called my NDIS client to see if she wanted to go to class, and when she did I was up and dressed, with my backpack packed and out of the house in 12 minutes.

At the time I thought it was fine because I had showered the night before. And so, I negotiated my drive into the city and conversations along the way without breakfast and coffee. . . It was fine!!

By the time I showed up at the cafe, in my casual support bamboo pants and cosy woollen cardi and hat, I was ready to be delighted. And I was. What I called a ‘breakfast roll’, the waiter called a ‘pretzel roll’. The bread was interesting. A little crunchy perhaps with a savoury flavour for sure. And it was just egg, cheese, pickles and leaves. A perfect combination with a cup of oat coffee.

It is such a pleasant time of my week. I get 1.5 hours to work on the web, while I am waiting for my client. And I do it from the lovely environment of cafe hopping along Rathdowne Street.

Just lovely! (Thanks for asking!!)

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