city baths adventures on a frosty Melbourne day

city baths adventures on a frosty Melbourne day

yesterday’s adventure was fun. Turtle didn’t feature prominently, perhaps because it is a working week. Unfortunately, I can’t drop my jobs because Turtle is in town! (Hehe).

I spent some time on the web in the morning. The first thing Turtle had to say was that I should save my money for our travels. It’s true. And I still have receipts for ALL that stuff I bought, so I am going to take it back! (Thanks my love) I appreciate your support!!

we hung out for a while in the morning until he suggested an outing (not together, clearly!) my idea was to go to the Abbotsford convent, and although it was a colourful and emotional walk in many ways, I did get (near) the convent in the end. Then I walked through back streets back across the train lines to home, chatting with (( real life )) friends on the way!!

I am not quite sure what happened next! I think I made some phone calls to prepare for my day at work. Then, I headed up to Falco (fave bakery on Smith Street) for some take with snacks for lunch and !! ANOTHER!! coffee!

I drove to my ndis (client) in the city, and we went to the city baths on swanston st (corner of Victoria st). It was good to check this beautiful building out! It is very clean. 🙂 and they have a gym, spa, pool AND sauna. Such a cool (not literally – the water is pretty toasty) thing to do on a wintry Thursday.!!

that was the highlight of my day.

after the baths we slipped across to queen Victoria market for some lunch at a cafe there. It was delightful m

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