16 Jun Elefant Traks 25th Anniversary Finale
Seeing the Elefant Traks 25th Anniversary Finale was very energising. The concert was held at the Melbourne Recital Centre, which seemed like a strange choice of venue for an evening of hip-hop music. However, many of the usual music venues are out of action at the moment. And the Recital Centre was a lovely place to see this line-up of artists who were signed to the Elefant Traks label since it began in 1999.
It felt like maybe the gig was more for the artists than the punters. As more than half the songs were unfamiliar to me at least. I suppose I have only been a casual follower of the Elefant Traks journey, ever since one of the founding members moved into my warehouse abode in 2003 or thereabouts.
The evening was a testament to the power of community. I felt the strength of the bonds between the different artists and music label workers. It was inspiring.
And the music was very good! I found some new artists that I want to check out further- Uncle Ho and Nardean are just two examples. Watching Hermitude light up the stage with three of their biggest hits, and then seeing the Herd perform live, presumably for the last time ever was a truly humbling experience.

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