24 May Cosy, winter shopping vibes
This afternoon I got an exquisite vision of the shopping streets around Lygon Street in Carlton. There is something so cosy about the idea of browsing in different shops on a winter’s afternoon. I have never really done that with friends before, but I have wonderful memories of browsing in shops with my mother in Canberra. Conversation can get so creative when walking around arm in arm looking at beautiful things.
Perhaps I need to set up a shopping date with a close friend sometime. The problem with shopping is that it needs a purpose. And so I will need to think of some shared purpose to invite a friend along. Maybe one of my friends would be interested in gifting people pressies for winter solstice. I certainly know where I will be spending one afternoon with my mother when she comes to visit. Shopping in winter followed by hot chocolate and cake at the ever-wonderful Brunetti’s.
Carlton is quite special I think. I wasn’t sure about it when I was looking for housing, because most of the food establishments cater for dinner rather than coffee and lunch, but I think that is changing ever so gradually.
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