24 Nov On my way to Queenscliff
It is a good day for an adventure I think. I am on my way to Queenscliff for the Queenscliff Music Festival this weekend. It never gets old to get on a train at Southern Cross and glide into the afternoon.
The landscape on the way to Geelong is a little barren in parts. There seem to be lots of subdivisions for housing development. I guess this is the answer to the housing crisis, right? Spread out. I personally think that infill development and increasing density in some of those middle ring suburbs is the way to go. But it seems there is quite a bit of NIMBYism involved in that kind of idea. It is not everyone’s idea of suitable housing, I guess. I would prefer to live somewhere walkable with lifestyle amenities within easy reach, than get into a car every time I wanted to go somewhere!
In any case, it is an adventure. I am hoping it will be fun. The weather is supposed to be pretty crap and I am not in love with most of the music offerings. But the main objective is that my friend, whose birthday we are celebrating has a nice time!! So that will be good!
It is actually quite exciting to get away again. It has been a couple of months since I last went on adventure, so it feels like an exciting happening.
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