11 Feb Thando for Summer Sessions
Oh, what a wonderful weekend! It started with a beautiful walk through South Yarra Streets to see the amazing Thando. I wanted to soak up everything that I saw on that walk. There was so much to see in an as yet unfamiliar part of my city. 🙂
My journey’s destination was the incredibly lush and fun venue called Chapel off Chapel in Prahran. During summer each year they hold weekly Summer Sessions, featuring some of the most amazing of Melbourne’s talent.
Thando was beautiful. She has such an amazing voice, which was accompanied at first by a brilliant piano player, then by her whole band and last followed by some of her nearest and nearest friends from when she moved to Melbourne from a regional area, and then lastly Ngarie.
It was a sumptuous feast of beautiful, soulful music, that was an amazing testament to the strength of girl power. The whole stage was filled with women, and this was what Thando had intended, putting this performance together.
She played some as yet unreleased and unrecorded songs off her forthcoming album in the first set. They were all beautiful and all very
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