
collection of bright magenta flowers with reflections of smith street collingwood outside tribal rose florist shop


Thank goodness to get home and be able to listen to a little music! My phone battery depletes so quickly. My friend Pockets suggested to me that it might be because location services are still working in the background, and to be honest, from what she showed me on her phone, this is a distinct possibility. Hehe.

So, I have been in excellent humour tonight! It is so nice 🙂 I know it won’t last and that it is just a result of the drugs (albeit prescription), but I am going to enjoy these giggles while they last.

It was actually nice to sit on the tram and the train without any kind of stimulation or distraction. I thought about love, I suppose. Pockets asked me tonight ‘what on earth can a man give me that I can’t give myself?’ I considered this for a sec and then suggested maybe ‘Love?’ hehe. She thought it was horseshit, hehe, pardon my French. Lol.

Love IS nice though. Even if it is more than likely completely deluded and fictional, haha. I like to say a particular name over in my mind. I like the way it rolls around my mind and the way it sounds in there. His name keeps me company when I can’t reach him in some other way. I never realised that I was so needy, but I do feel safe and secure if I can see him in some way during the day.

Love is lovely! And maybe even fun 🙂 Sometimes. Maybe I could indulge in a little of that lovely, fun, happiness that he brings me today.

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