22 Apr Best of British – Saturday night – MICF
The last comedy that I saw in this season of MICF was the Best of British. Four acts + an MC. Each act spoke for about 10 minutes and told one main story. From the guy whose mother gave him a sky diving adventure for his birthday, because he is afraid of flying, and ended up being more terrified of his tandem partner’s erection on the way down through the clouds, hehe, to the guy who wears a guitar around because it gives him more confidence (he very endearing), it was a lot of laughs.
One of the acts, perhaps in the spirit of common British toilet humour, punched a bit below the belt, and it was a bit much. The guy behind us loved it though. It was just his cup of tea, I guess. He likes the low blows.
With four acts, over the course of about an hour, it was very punchy, and we really enjoyed it. We went to Heartbreaker on Lonsdale Street afterwards. Nice bar. Cool lights.
And so the comedy festival is over for another year. It was so much fun, as it is every year. What’s next beautiful Melbourne?
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