08 Apr ‘Sketch me like one of your French girls’ – David Massingham – MICF
Even the title is provocative. A quick search of the internet reveals that there are whole discussions regarding to the deeper meaning of this quote from the Titanic movie.
He was hilarious. From Zeke the recovering alcoholic at an AA meeting, who repeatedly blows his quit to the tune of ‘Pina Colada’, to the spam letter regarding an inheritance that is delivered to an audience member on a deserted island, David Massingham is brilliant.
Audience participation was a big part of the show, but not in a scary or embarrassing way. There was something so bizarre about the feeling of standing up on the stage with the rest of the 20 or so audience members, singing Happy Birthday while one of the audience members stabbed a cameo with a false knife. It really was an odd situation.
As for the sketches, the giant sketchpad and easel was a clever way of broaching that divide between the performer and the audience. It was a comedic transitional element in a way. David credited the artist at the end of the show.
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