14 May wholesome, glassware reflections and tea
I could drink fine quality loose leaf chai tea all evening, and I think that I will 🙂
We thought these reflections on the glassware at Brunetti’s were amazing. I captured it, drinking Pinot Grigio after a French film. Is there anything so rewarding as photography? It is so fun.
Can I tell you a secret? I am looking forward to summer and catching a bus to the beach and jumping in the sea. Winter is coming, and I have the most cosy, the warmest woollen and cashmere cardigan, that is just yummy. It is nice to think about summer though. The seasons are so beautiful in Melbourne.
It makes me think of the interesting older lady who walked out of the cinema space and said ‘Ah, that gorgeous, crisp, cold air’ 🙂 That’s the spirit!
We had such a nice lunch. It was such a nice day 🙂
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